October – December, 2022 Pilotenkueche International Residency. Leipzig, DE In September 2022, I was an artist in residence at Pilotenkueche International Art Program in Leipzig, Germany.
While in Leipzig, I created a three part project combining audio, sculpture, and living plants.
Leipzig Walking
Disassembled painting stretchers, polycarbonate sheets, seedlings, audio: 3:00, 40 x 40 x 40cm.
This site specific work began by collecting seeds and sounds from public spaces around Leipzig; the main train station, the Stasi museum, the Travel24 Hotel, the Palmengarten. While I collected seeds, I collected sounds to create an ambient sound work. The seeds were planted in a greenhouse I constructed using repurposed wood from discarded painting stretchers, while the sound work played through headphones which connected to the greenhouse.
Chiffon, 350 x 190cm.
A chiffon curtain referencing the stained glass windows seen in a residential apartment block built in 1925 in Leutzsch, a once separate town which has now become a neighbourhood of greater Leipzig. The stained glass is only visible from outside when the hallway is lit up by a resident of the building, a subtle transmission between residents and passersby.
Thank God I met you here
Brass plaque, found wooden post, 55 x 11cm.
A post with a brass plaque reads “Thank God I met you here”, a sentence sourced from junk mail I received the first day I arrived at the residency in Leipzig. The post and plaque reference a type of signage commonly found around newly planted trees in Leipzig, which locals can ‘purchase’ as a form of commemoration. Supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.