Moth as Guide
“POV” (Gardener)
In situ studio shelves, video on desktop computer, found dead cabbage moth, spiral notebook, prefabricated engraved signs, miscellaneous green objects, cardboard box with permanent marker, seed collection, contents of dustpan in ziplock bag, miscellaneous discarded and recycled art materials, miscellaneous tools.
Taking a moth’s point of view, this video combines family photos, Street View screen recordings and sounds collage, indicating the changing time of day and season. The video used imagery from Google Street View where my grandmother can be seen working in her garden, the last summer before the house was sold, after 40 years living there, and a few years before her death. The video was installed within a studio tool shelf containing objects which, at first glance, looked like typical clutter, but were actually elements of the project.
Artificial Moon
Prefabricated engraved sign, plastic drop sheets, found text on A4 paper, 3D animation loop projected through a keyhole in a cardboard box.
Artificial Moon considers the complex but easily subverted form of navigation used by moths to traverse extraordinary distances. The project involved ‘following the lead’ of alternative forms of navigation through research, observation and intuition.